Liability Release and Agreement for the Facility and Program Student's Name * First Name Last Name Liability Release & Agreement * In consideration of being permitted to ride, interact with horses and ponies, take lessons, participate in special functions, which include traveling to and from special events, clinics, trail rides, special sessions, birthday parties, pony rides, equine assisted activities, volunteering and related events and activities; I hereby: 1. Understand that horse-back riding is a high-risk sport and I understand the inherent dangers of riding or being around horses and am participating at my own risk. Serious injury may result from using the Diamond B Ranch facility, where Amazing Equine Adventures conducts its horseback riding program. I am willing to accept the risk of working with/on horses. 2. Hold Amazing Horse Adventures; it's owners, employees, agents, and/or volunteers harmless for any and all injuries or illness incurred by myself, my minor children and any others that accompany me on said property. I shall bring no claims, demands, actions, causes or action and/or litigation against Amazing Hose Adventures, and/or its associates or owners as previously stated for any loss due to bodily injury or death sustained by me, my minor children, legal ward, or horse(s) in relation to the premises and operation of this facility, which includes riding, handling, or being near horses and/or other animals. 3. Understand and agree that Amazing Horse Adventures is not responsible for any act, occurrence, or element of nature that can scare, endanger, or cause harm to a horse, causing it to react in an unsafe manner. 4. Acknowledge that I am familiar with horse riding and understand the rules governing special activities and the importance of following Amazing Equine Adventures Rules. 5. Agree that prior to any horse related activity, I will inspect horse, equipment, facilities, etc., and if I believe anything to be unsafe or beyond my capability, I will immediately notify the person in charge and refuse to participate. 6. Acknowledge and fully understand that I will be engaged in an activity that might result in serious injury including permanent disability or death, and severe social and economic loss, not only by my action, inaction, or negligence, but also by the action, inaction and negligence of others, the rules of the sport/activity, or conditions of the premises or equipment used. Further, I acknowledge that there may be other risks not known to me or foreseeable at this time. 7. Am aware of the risks involved with horseback riding and I assume these risks and accept personal responsibility for the damages following such injury, permanent disability, or death. 8. Understand that no pets other than the animals of Amazing Horse Adventures will be allowed on the property. 9. Have checked with my child’s physician and my son/daughter has been given a clean bill of health to participate in horse related activities OR has specific written permission by the child’s physician and/or attending health care professional(s) to participate in horse related activities. 10. Understand that Amazing Horse Adventures cannot allow a person or persons to participate in any horse-related activity(s) if they have used: alcohol, controlled substances or any mood/mind altering substances. This includes illegal drugs, as well as prescription medication, if use of said medication in any way impairs a person’s alertness or perception. 11. Understand and agree that anyone using the Diamond B Ranch facility and/or parent/guardian will repair or reimburse Amazing Horse Adventures for all expenses which include materials and time in the event of any damage to equipment, jumps, arenas, or any part of the property that is damaged by their horse(s) or themselves. 12. Am aware that inhumane treatment of the horse(s) or repeated unsafe acts will immediately void all agreements and I will forfeit any fees and rights to access this center. 13. Understand that the stable owner shall not be liable for an injury to the horse(s) or damage to any property should the said horse(s) escape from the enclosure or while on the property. I have read this warning, waiver and release, and understand that I give up substantial rights by signing it and knowing this I sign it freely and voluntarily agree to participate and/or have my minor children participate, knowing these risks and conditions involved and do so of my own free will. By typing your name at the end of a document can count as a signature. First Name Last Name Today's Date * MM DD YYYY Parent's Email * Thank you!